So Yesterday I got a letter from Case Western of course thanking me for my application, but regretting to give me an interview which is due "to the high number of qualified applicants. Good luck in seeking you medical career." Why do schools always do that. Although I do like the letter much better than the way OSU Med did it which was to send me an email saying that there is a change in my application status. When you go to the web page it said. FILE CLOSED.
Today I got an emai from OSU School of Public Health that not only stated my admission but the possiblitiy of a fellowship for full tuition and a monthly stipend of 1000 USD (not Rupees !!!)
So now I really have a decision to make.
Yay, choices!
And to add something else... Go Bucks! Or something...
Grats on all your choices...
Let me say I wouldn't be disappointed if you picked OSU...(Since I live in Columbus and haven't seen you since June of 1998)
You owe me a visit in July.I want you to come visit my vista site. ;p
I'm definately comming to Columbus for a while (if not for a long while) and visit while I'm there. I have to say the fact that they may be willing to pay me for my degree is tempting. . . :) Besides the fact that it's a much easier move to Columbus than to Berkeley
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