Every year of medical school seems to have an aha moment. A moment where you're doing something you never thought you would.
- 1st year you realize - wow I am actually reading all of this information.
- 2nd year - you have the moment when you are not actually panicing about Step 1 of the boards (at the moment
- 3rd year- Is the moment when an attending tells you to go see a patient and you do. You don't think about it. You don't freak out and go through in your head what am I supposed to ask them. You just see the patient
- Now 4th year when you realize you know your way around.
--> Interview Update <-- amaze="amaze" an="an" and="and" another="another" as="as" asheville="asheville" at="at" atividad="atividad" aybe="aybe" be="be" but="but" change="change" cherry="cherry" coast="coast" coming="coming" could="could" did="did" do="do" done="done" end="end" fall="fall" for="for" get="get" group="group" have="have" health="health" hill="hill" i="i" idn="idn" in="in" ind="ind" interview="interview" interviews="interviews" it="it" list="list" love="love" me="me" my="my" nbsp="nbsp" nc.="nc." now.="now." now="now" of="of" p="p" place="place" rosa.="rosa." santa="santa" stands="stands" t="t" the="the" this="this" ut="ut" week.="week." west="west" will="will" wish="wish" with="with">-->